A Simple but Classic Breakfast in Bed Recipe for Valentine’s Day


Breakfast in bed can be one of the sweetest and most romantic gestures in a relationship. The concept of having someone get up to cook for you while you slumber so that you may enjoy a decadent meal in bed is just too nice to ignore. We love the feeling. That’s why we can’t get over how nice a breakfast in bed scenario is when this particular holiday appears. If you’re looking to make a sweet but very grand gesture for the man or woman you love, go ahead and make breakfast and deliver it in bed. It needn’t be anything grand or overwhelming. We love French toast, so we thought we’d share this simple recipe with you to make the morning of Valentine’s. You get bonus points if it’s served with steaming hot coffee or a mimosa (or both) a flower or a bunch of flowers, and maybe some chocolate on the side. Because who doesn’t love chocolate?

What You Need

Sourdough bread

2 eggs

1 cup milk

2 tbsp vanilla


Mix together your eggs, milk and vanilla in a bowl and dip your bread into it. Spray a skillet with cooking spray and heat it up to a medium temperature. Dip your bread slices into the mixture and coat them completely. Put them onto the skillet and let the side facing down cook all the way through before you flip it over (2-3 minutes on each side) and repeat the process. When done, place the bread on a plate and smother it in syrup.

You get to choose whether or not to take it a step further and add some fresh fruit and/or whipped cream to the top, as well. The more you add, the prettier it looks. The prettier it looks, the more love and appreciation will come your way. Don’t forget to include silverware and a napkin on your tray. A love note might help, too.

Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for The New York Culinary Experience


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