Five Great Snacks on the Go For Your Children


Kids are fun, but they are messy. And they are – it really never fails – always hungry in the car. You could stop at McDonalds and clog their arteries with fake food, or you could skip that annoyingly long line and the person behind the drive-thru window who can’t do anything right (Yeah, that’s the real reason we tell our kids no) and pack some healthy snacks for the car. But what do you pack? You want to pack things that are not messy, that are not perishable and that will satisfy the pickiest of eaters without upsetting anyone. So, what do you pack? I hate giving my kids food in the car and try very hard to avoid this at all costs considering they are so messy and I am such a neat freak. I do have some suggestions for snacks you can use in the car to keep your kids entertained, fed and mostly just quiet. But be warned that kids will take the least messy food on the planet and manage to make the biggest possible mess imaginable. Don’t say I did not warn you.

Gold Fish

They’re not healthy, but they’re food and they come in cute little snack size bags so they really don’t go bad or require any additional work to bring to the car or prepare for a trip.

Apple Slices

You can buy precut apple slices are the store in the fruit section and give them to your kids in the car. You might want a little cooler for these, but they’re really good for your kids since they’re not cookies and they’re simple.

Granola Bars

These are so differ than cereal bars, which are so flaky and messy. Granola all the way; your kids can eat them a bite at a time from the package so that they don’t make a big mess and so that they are happy and satisfied.


My kids love grapes and will eat them all day, every day. So I put them in little containers and take them (in a small cooler) in the car with me so that they can eat whenever they are hungry.

Chick-fil-A Chicken

All right, so this is something I do because I love Chick-fil-A and it makes me happy. My guilty fast food pleasure, and they have mommy curbside service so it makes grabbing a quick snack – meal –  for us and the kids a breeze.

Photo by Ian Forsyth/Getty Images


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