Bad Days: Three Things to Remember

We all have a bad day from time to time. Thankfully, bad days are typically few and far between. That’s  probably why most of us are able to handle them with the elegance and grace that we manage to find when everything we encounter during the day becomes a challenge. However, it’s not always easy to find a way to handle a bad day with grace, which is where this advice comes in handy.


Remember that right now whatever is going on in your life is bothering you and causing you to stress, but tomorrow it won’t seem as bad. Remember even more than a year from now, this probably won’t even matter. You won’t wake up a year from today and think, “Man, a year ago was really hard.” You probably won’t even remember what it is that was bothering you.

Keep in Mind

You don’t own all the problems in the world, so keep in mind that while you might find your problems annoying and out of control, others are probably suffering more than you. This isn’t a pleasant thought, but it can put things into perspective and make you realize that sometimes things aren’t as bad as they seem. It’s important to remember that everyone has problems and everyone has a bad day. You are not alone and what you’re going through probably isn’t nearly as bad as what others are going through. Perspective helps.

Handle It

Whatever you do on a bad day, don’t ignore your problems or put them off until tomorrow. Think about it this way, tomorrow when you’re forced to revisit yesterday’s problems you will wish you’d handled it yesterday so you could start fresh today. If you handle it now, tomorrow it will already be taken care of and all you have to do is focusing on having a good day.


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