Decide What Clothing And Accessories You Should Splurge Or Save On

Clothing and accessories are something that most women have a passion for, even if their tastes differ.  We often wonder what we should splurge or save on?  This is a guide that came make that decision incredibly simple for you to make.

The first thing you should consider when you are purchasing clothing or accessories is how long you think you will wear them.  If it is something that just recently became popular as part of a seasonal trend then you probably do not want to invest very much money in.  The question of if you should splurge or save is easy if it is a trendy piece.  You want to save because it very easily may be out of style in a year.

On the other hand, if the purchase would be for an item that you would wear for a long period of time such as a pair of nicely tailored black trousers then the question of whether to save or splurge would be answered correctly by splurging.  A piece such as this one is practically timeless so your investment is money well spent.

Also consider how often you would wear the item.  Would you wear it once a week or maybe once a month?  The more often that you would wear it, the more likely it is to weigh in as a splurge on the splurge or save scale.  Don’t shell out big bucks for something you will only wear rarely.

Items you more than likely would want to splurge on would be a pair of designer jeans, a quality neutral handbag, sterling silver hoops and other versatile piece of jewelry that you would wear often.  Items you would want to save on would be items like scarves, trendy pieces of jewelry, trendy tops and hair accessories.  It is best to carefully think about your purchases and their worth on the splurge or save scale before you make a decision.

Image Credit: Life Hacker


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