Four Reasons You Should be Grateful Every Day

You may have heard that keeping a grateful journal is a great way to improve your mood and make you a happier person. It is also a great reminder to you of all the things you have to be thankful for. Some people, unfortunately, don’t think they have anything to be grateful for. However, even on your worst day you still have something to give thanks for. Allow me to give you a few reasons to give thanks today.


Most people complain about taxes, but the truth is, you should be grateful for them. Paying taxes means you are employed, which automatically makes you more fortunate than millions.

A Few Extra Pounds

The next time you want to complain because your jeans are a little too tight, think twice. Your jeans are too tight because you have plenty to eat. Many people in the world have little to nothing to eat, which means you need to stop and say thanks.

Your Fussy, Misbehaving Children

It’s not easy to love your kids when they’re acting like complete monsters, which happens to everyone from time to time. However, you should be especially grateful for them in this moment because it means you have children to love. Many families spend years trying to have kids only to find out they can’t, or they struggle to have children because of infertility issues. The fact that you have kids is reason enough to give a great deal of thanks on a regular basis – bratty or not.

The Farthest Parking Spot at the Grocery Store

It doesn’t matter if it’s pouring rain or the sun is shining bright, you should be grateful that you have two legs that will carry you from the back of the parking lot to the grocery store, because many people don’t have the ability to walk. It’s not something you should take for granted.


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