How He’s Interviewing You for Marriage

To all the unmarried, not engaged but in a relationship ladies out there; do you realize that on your next date, or your last one, or all the date you’ve had this month, your man might be conducting an interview? That’s right, he might be interviewing you to see if you are marriage material, and you don’t even know he’s doing it. Read on to find out what secret interview questions he’s asking you so you are prepared for them when they come (or so you can figure out if you answered them how you really wanted to when he asked).

He Asks You Where You See Yourself

Trust me ladies, no man is going to put out the expense of a ring, go through the scary as hell part of talking to your dad and take the ribbing from his friends unless he KNOWS you are going to say yes to his proposal. To know if you’re going to say yes, he is going to ask this question, “Where do you see yourself in five years or even 10?” He’s waiting for you to tell him that you see yourself married, buying a house, having kids, having a life, whatever. He wants to know if you want what he wants.

He’s the Ghost of Christmas Past and Future, Forgetting Completely About the Present

If he spends the entire date asking you questions about your past and talking about future things with you, he’s trying to see if your past and your future line up with what he’s looking for in a woman. He wants to know how your parents raised you, where you were from, what you did as a kid, and all that good stuff so he knows what to expect of you in the parenting department should you have kids. If he talks about the future, it’s because he’s trying to see you goals and whether they match his.

He Talks Finances

He doesn’t really care if you have student loans or debt if he’s not serious. However, if he starts bringing up questions of that nature, he may be trying to suss out whether you are financially responsible or if he’s going to be marrying your financial baggage.


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