Morning Makeover: Restart Your Less Than Perfect Day

It’s never great when your day starts off on the wrong foot and you find yourself in need of an instant morning makeover. The alarm didn’t go off, you forgot to put out school clothes and start lunch packing the night before, the kids are grumpy, you stick your k-cup in the coffee machine without the little black insert because for some random reason your husband decided he was going to wash it that morning and you end up taking a sip from a mug full of muddy brown water….sometimes you just need a morning makeover to prevent the rest of your day from going further downhill.

Stop Rushing

Nothing makes an already stressful morning more stressful than rushing. You’re already late; so take your time. You’ll feel a lot better if you sit down and enjoy your coffee, take time with your hair and makeup and prepare the kids’ school stuff with care. Being late isn’t great, but being late and relaxed is far better than being late and frazzled.

Indulge in Something

Perhaps you don’t care much to have too many unhealthy snacks in your life, but if your day starts off on the wrong foot, it might be a good idea. Stop for a chocolate muffin or some donuts or a calorie-filled coffee drink. You deserve it, because it can calm you down and ease your ruffled feathers. It’s a great way to create your own morning makeover.

Plan Something

Finally, if you are in need of a morning makeover, focus on planning something fun on this day. Maybe you’d like to plan an impromptu date night with your husband, or a quick stop for a pedicure or a trip to the bookstore for a great new novel. Whatever you consider fun, make time for it on this day and you’ll feel your morning improve within minutes.


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