Family Vacation Tips Every Parent Needs to Know

Few things in life are more relaxing than an amazing vacation. Except when that vacation comes with the phrase, “family” in front of it. Yes, a family vacation is a lot of fun for everyone, but it’s a lot less like vacation and more like a big field trip for parents. If you’re planning a family vacation in the near future, try to work in some time to relax. Perhaps these three tips will help you make the most of your family vacation so that everyone has a good time and doesn’t come home in need of a vacation to recover from vacation.

Consider Breaking the Rules

Schedules and routines are a way of life for parents and their children. However, it’s not always possible to stick to schedule when you’re in the midst of a family vacation. Instead of being a rigid rule follower, explain to your children that so long as their behavior warrants it, vacation can be a vacation from some of the rules you have at some, such as a strict bedtime or no dessert or television during the week policy. It gives them something to look forward to and can actually prevent a few breakdowns.

Prepare for Meltdowns

This is especially true when you travel with small children. Small kids don’t always understand the concept of vacation. They don’t care how much money you spent, time it took to plan or effort you put into getting the entire family packed and on that plane; if it’s not going to their way, they might have a fit. Prepare for it and expect it. Be ready for it. When you’re ready for it, you can handle it.

Be Flexible

Sometimes you can’t do everything you want on vacation. Kids are tired, you’re tired, the weather doesn’t cooperate; things happen. Be flexible with your plans. Sure, you might have wanted to spend the day on the beach but if the rain says otherwise, be flexible with your plans. Be prepared to have some indoor fun.

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